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8th Grade Information

In 8th Grade, all Roosevelt students take 7 courses:

  • Humanities (English Language Arts and Social Studies content)
  • Mathematics
  • STED (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Design)
  • Physical Education on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
  • An Elective (Music, Art, Computer Science, Reading Intervention, Latino Men and Boys, IWE, or Study Skills) on Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • Advisory on Wednesdays
  • X-Block on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays (this class supports students' personalized learning needs in reading, English language development, math, engineering, music, art, or computer science)

8th Grade Promotion Ceremony

Each Spring, Roosevelt hosts an 8th grade promotion ceremony and celebration for 8th grade students and families.

Criteria to Participate in the Ceremony:

  1. 2.0 grade point average for the year
  2. Pass Advisory
  3. Attend promotion ceremony rehearsal the week before the promotion ceremony

NOTE:  In order to receive a promotion certificate, students must have no outstanding debts and return all novels and textbooks.

8th Grade Dinner Dance

The 8th Grade Dinner Dance is an annual, formal event for 8th grade students.

Criteria to Be Eligible for the Dinner Dance:

  1. No suspensions in the last marking period.
  2. Five or fewer referrals in the last marking period.
  3. Five or fewer tardies or class cuts in the last marking period.
  4. No outstanding debts and returned all novels and textbooks
  5. Cleared all tardies